Authors' rights


The copyright of the published article in Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology (hereafter TIGG) produced by the Forum: Carbohydrate Coming of Age (hereafter FCCA) is prescribed as follows:

Ownership of the copyright

  • The copyright of any paper printed in TIGG belongs to each author, however, the authors shall give permission to FCCA as to the following three statements:
  • Any paper or article in TIGG may be open to the public through published works made by FCCA or on the World Wide Web.
  • Any paper or article in TIGG may be open to the public as digital works through electronic library or similar services that FCCA authorizes.
  • FCCA reserves the right to make copies of any paper or article in TIGG.

Ownership of the moral right as to the copyright

  • The moral right as to the copyright of any paper printed in TIGG belongs to each author.

Conditions for copying, reproduction, translation and adaptation

  • The author may make copies (print or electronic) of the article for your own personal use, including for your own classroom teaching use.
  • The author may make copies and distribute such copies (including PDF files) of the article to known research colleagues, for the personal use by such colleagues.
  • The author may post a revised personal version of the final text including illustrations and tables of the article on your website with a link to the corresponding article either at J-STAGE through the relevant DOI when available, which is allowed after three years from the released date.
  • A person who wants to reproduce, translate or adapt any paper printed in the journal is required to apply to the Editorial Board of TIGG.
  • When a person reproduces, translates or adapts any paper printed in TIGG, the volume and the page number should be clearly indicated.
  • The author is responsible for all problems relating to a paper printed in TIGG, and FCCA takes no responsibility. The Chief of the Editorial Board of TIGG, however reserves the right to ask about such problems or how the author has or is dealing with the problem.
  • Please contact the Chief of the Editorial Board of TIGG when you need any information from or to make inquiries of the Board of TIGG.

TIGG Hybrid Open Access policy

TIGGbecame a hybrid open access journal from 2015. The authors of accepted peer-reviewed articles have an option for TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) by charge as well as TIGG three year-Delayed Open Access (DOA) for free.

  • TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA)
    Articles featured in the TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) are open access immediately upon first posting in current issue on the TIGG website and remain open for all to access, read and download.
    • TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) is available to authors who wish to make their article freely available to non-subscribers upon publication or whose funding agency requires the version of record to be freely available. With TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA), the author, the author's funding agency, or the author's institution pays a charge for TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA), and the article is made freely available via TIGG website.
    • Authors of TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) articles are also permitted to post the final, released PDF of their article on a personal website, institutional repository, or public server when necessary. Please consult the “Authors’ rights” described in the following link.
    • An option for TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) will be offered to those authors whose articles have been accepted for publication.
    • Authors of accepted peer-reviewed articles have an option to pay a fee in order for their released article to be made freely accessible to all. The TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) fee is fixed at 100,000 jpy for all contribution types. Contributions from FCCA members may be discounted, on their request, to 70,000 jpy.
    • Authors wishing to purchase TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) should return a completed order form as soon after acceptance as possible. The form will be processed, and if appropriate an invoice will be issued. Payment must be received in full for an article to be released as TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) article.
    • As an option for TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) articles, authors have an opportunity to make their GlycoReviews available under IOA. In this case, their manuscripts can be up to 50 pages long (typed and double spaced), including tables, figures, and references (For English only, 25 page long).
    • Authors choosing TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) retain copyright in their article.
    • TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) adopts the following licensing arrangements:
      TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) via Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND)
      For more information about the TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) license terms and conditions, please consult above website.
    • TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) Order Form: To place an order for an article being published in TIGG as TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) article, please complete the TIGG Immediate Open Access (IOA) Order Form (supplied on acceptance) and return it to the Editorial Office by fax or e-mail.

Open Access Policy for other articles
( TIGG Delayed Open Access (DOA) )

The final version of accepted articles is made freely available at J-STAGE after 36 months (TIGG Delayed Open Access (DOA)). The author may make it on their personal website, in their company/institutional repository or archive, and in certain not-for-profit subject-based repositories. Please consult the “Authors’ rights” described in the following link.